South of the River presenter Alli Harding gets the lowdown on bees and swarms. Listen to the podcast.

  Brighton East apiarist and sustainability educator Helen Charles joined Alli Harding in the studio yesterday to talk all things bees. Helen was accompanied by her partner, country music singer Benny Allen, who played a track from his new children’s album (pictured above). Later in the show, Alli interviewed Edithvale physiotherapist Gill Smith, who is an expert in pelvic floor

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Celebrating World Bee Day

Helen Charles from Friends With Honey and musician Benny Allen talk to Craig Francis about the importance of World Bee Day on May 20th in highlighting the importance of the bee population to our overall food supply and to our biodiversity and sustainability.  Benny also plays a song from their Friends With Honey Children’s Musical which was held in recognition

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