Become a Member

Become a Southern FM Member
Support your local community voice and become a Southern FM member. As a member you can have a say in the running of the station, or even volunteer at the station.

Current Membership Rates

Membership Price
Individual $55.00
Concession $33.00
Family $77.00
Concession Family $45.00
Community Group $77.00
Under 18 (no voting rights) $5.00

Membership fees are due in March each year. If you sign up to Southern FM during a different month (other than February or March), for the first year you’ll pay a pro-rated amount which will cover you up until the following March. At that point, you would then pay the amounts shown above, once a year. Membership rates are GST free.

All applications will be considered by the Board of Management. As these meetings occur monthly, it may be up to six weeks before you hear the outcome of your application. The Board reserves the right not to accept an application.

Members of the Association agree to abide by the Constitution and the Policies of the Association. Information collected will be protected by our Privacy Policy.

If you’re interested in signing up, please fill in the form below to proceed.

    * Denotes required fields

    Membership Types:

    Community Group - $77.00 (AUD)
    This membership is for businesses or organisations who would like to be affiliated with Southern FM

    Concession - $33.00 (AUD)
    Concession membership applies to Pension Card holders and Low Income Card holders. Proof required after sign up.

    Concession Family - $45.00 (AUD)
    Concession family membership applies to Pension Card holders and Low Income Card holders. Proof required after sign up. Family membership includes couples, domestic partnerships as well as couples with children.

    Family - $77.00 (AUD)
    Family membership includes couples, domestic partnerships as well as couples with children.

    Individual - $55.00 (AUD)
    Individual Membership applies to individual members over 18 years of age

    Under 18 (No voting rights) - $5.00 (AUD)
    This membership is for members under 18 years of age. Parental consent is required after signup, and the membership has no voting rights at Annual General Meetings