Donate to Southern FM
Here are different ways you can donate to Southern FM
Recommended methods
Send a donation to Southern FM by using the online charity donation platform GiveNow. Donate now – click here.
Using BSB and Account Number
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 135 943 470
Account Name: Southern Community Broadcasters Inc
Alternative methods
PayID – ABN: 61 760 605 900
PayID is a new payment method banks are implementing where you don’t need to remember somebody’s BSB and account number. Instead you can use a PayID that person or company sets up, which is usually an email address or mobile number. In the case of businesses, they can set their PayID up as their Australian Business Number (ABN). This is what Southern FM have done. Southern FM’s PayID is 61 760 605 900
Pay by Cheque
Make cheque payable to Southern Community Broadcasters Inc. Address to ‘The Treasurer’ and post to 2 Parliament Street, Brighton.