Film review: THE DRESSMAKER, from ‘Built For Speed’

Although directed by Jocelyn Moorehouse, The Dressmaker has the stamp of its writer and producer P.J. Hogan all over it. Like Hogan’s classic Muriel’s Wedding, The Dressmaker is a quirky Australian comedy that pits a sophisticated outsider against prejudiced Aussie bogans, celebrates femininity and glamorous reinvention while satirising both, has a wedding scene but also makes frequent turns into darker

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Film review: PREDESTINATION, from Built For Speed

The genesis of Predestination seems to have been a competition to come up with the most brain-twisting time travel story imaginable. Never has a film folded in on itself quite like Predestination.  Based on the Robert Heinlein short story All You Zombies and touching on other time travel and sci-fi films such as Looper, Time Cop and Minority Report, Predestination

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What’s on BUILT FOR SPEED, Friday 29th August 2014

After our focus on Bob Dylan last week Built For Speed returns to more contemporary music with new tracks from Mia Dyson, Morrissey, Bob Mould  and many others.  We also take a look at the latest film for the amazingly prolific Woody Allen with Magic in the Moonlight.  For those who enjoy a brain-twisting time travel fantasy we tell you

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