What’s going on with the Harry Potter event on the peninsula?


Have you seen the news reports this week about a controversial Harry Potter event on the Mornington Peninsula?

Alli Harding is back this Sunday and wants to hear both sides of the argument around the event, which kicks off in April.

The background?  Peninsula Shire Council has signed a deal allowing Warner Bros to present the interactive Forbidden Forest Experience, ‘a nighttime woodland trail experience filled with magical creatures and wizarding wonders’ at The Briars’ wildlife sanctuary. The experience will run in April and May, with thousands of people expected to attend every week.

Some locals are furious with the decision, which was made public in mid-December. They are not opposed to the experience itself being held on the peninsula, but believe the sanctuary, which is home to many native animals, is the wrong location. They are worried the crowds, lights and noise will negatively impact the animals and the ecosystem. A change.org petition asking council to relocate has so far attracted 7000 signatures.

This Sunday, Alli will speak with shire mayor Cr Simon Brooks and with one of the campaign organisers to find out more about this issue that is causing more than a few ripples on the Mornington Peninsula.

Tune in to South of the River from 2pm this Sunday.


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