Write Now

Literature, news and guests with Gaytana


WRITE NOW – tonight 25/7/24 – Clare Mendes from Melbourne Writers Theatre re their upcoming production; later Mitch Meyer Music Director of Melboure Welsh Male Choir & their events. Please join me, Gaytana ALSO: let’s wear a mask to protect ourselves & others from COVID, Influenza, RSV, Whooping Cough & more. Looking out for each other – that’s what community

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WRITE NOW – tonight 18/7/24 – Garry then Jane Sullivan re Sisters in Crime’s upcoming event: High Stakes & Low Morals & her latest novel: Murder in Punch Lane – a great read. Please join me, Gaytana ALSO:  let’s wear a mask to protect ourselves & others from COVID,In fluenza, RSV, Whooping Cough & loads more. Looking out for each

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WRITE NOW – tonight 11/7/24 – Anna Johnston will talk about her debut novel: The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife; then Jenani Therone will talk about her book: Of Service which honours our veteran Defence Force personnel; then Faye Dumont will give us a report on her concert from last weekend & news about an upcoming concert. Please join me,

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WRITE NOW – tonight – 27/6/24 – ‘Sherlock is a Girl’s Name’ with Atlin Merrick; later Stephen Johnson re his works. Please join me, Gaytana ALSO: let’s wear a mask to protect ourselves & others from COVID, Influenza, RSV, whooping cough & more. Looking out for each other – that’s what community does. G

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WRITE NOW – tonight 20/6/24 – Garry, then Sandie Docker  re her latest novel: The Lyrebird Lake Ladies Choir; then Faye Dumont about the upcoming MWC concert. Please join me, Gaytana ALSO: let’s wear a mask to protect ourselves & others from COVID & more. G

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WRITE NOW – tonight 13/6/24 – Narelle M Harris will talk about her brilliant, latest novel: The She-Wolf of Baker Street; then Maya Linnell will talk about her enjoyable, latest novel: Wallaby Lane; and Margaret Hickey will talk about the upcoming Sisters in Crime event. Please join me, Gaytana ALSO: let’s wear a mask to protect ourselves & others from

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