What’s on ‘Built For Speed’ Friday 4th December 2020

With Christmas hurtling ominously toward us, “Built For Speed’ will, this Friday, review the latest addition to that oddball cinema sub-genre the Christmas movie with comedy/ drama ‘Happiest Season’ starring Kristen Stewart. We’ll also have a feast of great music for you with more terrific tracks that have emerged in 2020, some of the favourites from our ‘best of’ lists

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Film review: OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY, from ‘Built for Speed’

The raunch comedy is really just a more obscene and cynical update of the 80’s party animal comedy.  For evidence look no further than Office Christmas Party, a messy, occasionally amusing but mostly predictable excuse for juvenile comedy that features the party animal movie staples: nerds, prostitutes, comical pimps, people going nuts on coke, a laid back sensible everyman central character and ultimately an

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Film review: LOVE, THE COOPERS, from ‘Built For Speed’

In 2005 Love Actually set the benchmark for rom-coms featuring a large sprawling cast of name actors playing characters whose personal and professional lives intertwine in a quirky, amusing and sometimes bittersweet fashion. Love Actually was also a Christmas movie and successfully infused its romantic tales with the elation and pain of Christmas. Love, The Coopers attempts something similar with

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