
Another fun filled show with Two Natural Ladies, including – Tickling the airways: Celebrating our 60th show Jo and Vicki acknowledge their gratitude for each other and their journey so far Getting up at 4.30am and the struggle this is- the thoughts we have, are they the truth? Can we choose empowering thoughts? Our commitment vs our thoughts Two Natural

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Two-Natural-Ladies-Show58-Sept29-2020 Podcast

Light-hearted discussions continue on many and varied topics – including… The Humble Pineapple – to smash or not to smash that is the question “Be a Pineapple, stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet inside” Katherine Gaskin Pineapple Facts: in the 17th century the pineapple was a cultural icon of luxury living. This fruit is the third most important

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Two-Natural-Ladies-Show55-September8-2020 – Podcast

Worms and travel and dog poo – what more would you want in a radio show discussion – maybe some fab songs, some laughs – and a great guest interview?…   Two Natural Ladies Interview with Natalie Isaacs: Natalie talks about her journey into the world of sustainability. “I’m just one person how can I make a difference” stopped her

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Spring has begun: time to plant sunflowers; eat well and create new habits. Jo and Vicki chat about juicing, to drum or not to drum and connecting with people all over the world They chat with Veronica who started the Lockdown Bar on Facebook at the beginning of Covid and what it meant for her and others. Damien Williams, a

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Physical distancing, Socially connecting and creating ways we can make a difference in Co-Vid Lockdown.   Two Natural Ladies speak with Damien Rullo, Meaghan Coulter and Simone James, creators of Caravan of Love, visiting people struggling during Lockdown One.     Jo and Vicki also discuss online Zoom parties, being grateful for what we have and asking “Does Vicki have

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