Film review: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, VOL.2, by Nick Gardener from ‘Built For Speed’

The first Guardians of the Galaxy film caused a minor sensation as it broke from the Marvel formula for a wildly different superhero experience. That film unusually but successfully combined elaborate often spectacular special effects, thrilling action sequences, vivid art direction, piss-taking humour and Gen X pop-cultural references including classic 1970’s power pop hits. With the sequel, writer/ director James

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Film review: PASSENGERS, from ‘Built For Speed’

We can almost hear the boardroom meeting: “that Titanic made a bundle and so did that Gravity let’s mash them together, throw in a couple of Hollywood’s hottest stars and it’s new Ferraris all round”. The result is Passengers a sci-fi/ adventure/ romance that should have been a moving and thrilling space adventure but winds up being surprisingly tepid. Chris

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