Two-Natural-Ladies-Show58-Sept29-2020 Podcast

Light-hearted discussions continue on many and varied topics – including… The Humble Pineapple – to smash or not to smash that is the question “Be a Pineapple, stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet inside” Katherine Gaskin Pineapple Facts: in the 17th century the pineapple was a cultural icon of luxury living. This fruit is the third most important

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Breaking Barriers Podcast – BPW talk Equal Pay Day 2020

Clinton was Breaking Barriers with Jacqueline Graham at the end of August about equal payday and how BPW Australia are helping to empower professional women. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis as seen this year’s pay gap show a greater disparity between men and women. Every industry in Australia has a full time pay gap favouring full-time working men, even

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